Feeling All of You
"Feeling All of You" is a song covered by Sound of The Human World Malaysia that talk about in this global pandemic of COVID-19, we all are fighting as one.
In this song cover, I worked as song mixer and video editor. I am glad that I have given the opportunity to produce song cover during this pandemic. Maybe we do not have the power to rescue people who is suffering in the pandemic, may our little effort, using the power of music to spread the positive vibes and energy to the frontline heroes and the world.
音樂可以傳遞力量、音樂可以感動人心。 在這疫情期間我們希望透過我們的音樂力量傳遞慈悲為愛到世界各地。

Hand in Hand
"Hand in Hand" is a song by Taiwanese singers during pandemic of SARS in 2003 and now covered by Sound of The Human World Malaysia that talk about in this global pandemic of COVID-19, we all are fighting as one.
In this song cover, I worked as song mixer and video editor. I am glad that I have given the opportunity to produce song cover during this pandemic. Maybe we do not have the power to rescue people who is suffering in the pandemic, may our little effort, using the power of music to spread the positive vibes and energy to the frontline heroes and the world.
【為新型肺炎疫情向觀世音菩薩祈願文】 慈悲偉大的觀世音菩薩!這次從武漢發生的新型肺炎疫情,許多人受到委屈、苦難和驚嚇,祈求您的慈悲加被,讓我們具備勇氣與智慧,面對疫情,能夠處變不驚,面對疾病,能夠冷靜寬心。 慈悲偉大的觀世音菩薩,有些地方封城了,有的活動暫停了,現在我們更需要發揮您救苦救難的精神,互助關懷,避免驚慌失措,彼此鼓勵,增加信心無畏。暫時的隔離,我們可以當作閉關,自我反省,一時的不便,我們可以靜心正念,自我潛修。 慈悲偉大的觀世音菩薩,此時此刻,我們更需要團結一心,相信政府部門會儘快解除危機,感謝醫護人員正努力醫治病患;世界上無論再怎麼困難,只要以慈悲智慧面對,人人行三好:做好事,說好話,存好心,大家重視環保護生,必能轉危為安。 慈悲偉大的觀世音菩薩,此時此刻,我們虔誠稱念您的名號「南無觀世音菩薩」,我們要學習您的慈悲與智慧,轉化外在的煩惱境界,我們要遠離顛倒妄想,觀人自在;我們要遠離分別臆測,觀境自在;我們要遠離執著纏縛,觀事自在。 慈悲偉大的觀世音菩薩,祈求您,讓生病的人儘快痊癒,恢復健康,不幸往生者蒙佛接引,安心歸去,讓社會淨化遠離疫情,讓普羅大眾平安吉祥! 慈悲偉大的觀世音菩薩!請求您接受我至誠的祈願;慈悲偉大的觀世音菩薩!請求您接受我至誠的祈願。

"AWAY FROM HOME" is a documentary that talk about how a foreign worker from Bangladesh has been cheated by Malaysia foreign workers agency. He was a undergraduate student in Bangladesh, after he finished his study, he decided to work in Malaysia, however he started a unfortunate journey where he has been cheated and loss his passport and document to the agency. Cameron Highland employer trying hard to help with his situation and finding ways to get back his passport and renew his working permit.
In this documentary, I worked as assistant director and editor. Besides, I also assigned to help the cinematographer to get the best shoot and angle as we can. I am glad that we have given opportunity to produce a documentary that related with human rights. We found out that many of the foreign workers were cheated, forced to work here and living in an unwell condition. This issue should be focus and we are raising awareness to whoever has the power to help these people. They are human and deserve the human rights as we deserve in this world.
Although my team and I have faced several problems before and during shooting such as communication problem as the foreign worker could not speak English and Bahasa Malaysia fluently. Hence we need to rethink about what is the best story that we can give to the audience. A very big thanks to my production team, and also all interviewee for the highly cooperate during the shooting. If I am given the chance to make documentary again, I would like to explore more on this theme 'HUMAN RIGHT': Rights to have education, Rights to have freedom of speech and etc.

"WHAT IF" is the title of our short film which bring to the 3 Good of Actness Micro-Film Competition 2019. The main story line is talk about a boy live in a environment full with negative vibes (within his family and his friend), and he ends up mis-killed his friend after taking drugs in his friend's house. At the end of the short film, he reflect back what if he is surround with good vibes environment (include his family), maybe he will not end up giving his life in the jail. The moral value we wanted to bring up is we all know 3 Good of Actness (Do Good Deeds, Speak Good Word, Think Good Thought) but sometimes, it become just a slogan. This society need to take a real action on doing it which might change the future of the society life.
In this short film, I worked as assistant director, planning filming schedule, inform actors and assist him during filming and post production. It was a great experience to work on since this is the very first time we compete in the international stage. The problem we faced is only lack of time. We register late and only have 1 month to complete this production. I am thankful for my team that working on this project, they are so happy and willing to help although they have other assignments on hand. Although we did not manage to get into the final round, but if there are chances given for us to compete in next year, we will improve our skills in directing , script writing and also editing .